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‘A University’ or ‘An University’: What’s the Difference?

Shaun Connell
August 20, 2024

If you are unsure about the difference between 'a university' or 'an university,' you need to read this guide.

However, if you are in a rush, here is a quick answer:

  • 'A university' is a grammatically correct phrase.
  • 'An university' contains a grammar error, because the correct indefinite article to use before a word that starts with and sounds like is a. 

If you want to learn more about why 'a university' is correct and how to use it, keep reading!

What's the Difference Between 'A University' or 'An University?'

The biggest difference between 'a university' or 'an university' is that the second phrase is grammatically incorrect.

The correct term is 'a university' because you use a when the article comes before a word that starts with a consonant or sounds like it starts with a consonant

Although is sometimes a vowel, when words start with the sound, you use a instead of an. 

If the un in university made an un sound, you would use an. Here are some examples:

  • An underwear model
  • An underwater adventure
  • An unbelievable revelation
  • An unexpected visitor

Here are some examples of words that are pronounced like university:

  • Riding a unicycle is excellent exercise.
  • A unique opportunity
  • A uniform is mandatory
  • Form a union 

Definition of 'A University': What Does 'A University' Mean?

When it comes to defining terms that contain two or more words, I always like to look at the definition of all of the words in the term. So, we are going to look at the definitions of a and university. 

Definition of 'A'

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary lists an as an indefinite article defined as:

  • A function word used before singular nouns with an unspecified referent
  • A function word used before some numbers and collectives
  • The same
  • A function word used before a singular noun that is followed by a restrictive modifier
  • Any
  • A function word used before a mass noun specific instance or type
  • A function word used before a proper noun that represents a particular type or example
  • Used as a function word used before a proper noun that distinguishes the condition of the referent from a former, hypothetical, or usual condition
  • A function word used before the proper name of a day of the week to refer to one occurrence of it
  • A function word used before the name of a person when the name is being used as a reference to something that person created
  • Used as a function word before a family name to show that a person belongs to that family
  • A function word used with nouns to form adverbial phrases that denote quantity, degree, or amount

Definition of 'University'

The same source defines university as a noun that means:

  • A higher education institution providing facilities for teaching and research that has the authority to grant academic degrees
  • An institution of higher education that has an undergraduate division which issues bachelor's degrees and a graduate division that grants master's and doctorate degrees
  • The physical plant of a university

Synonyms and Similar Phrases to 'A University'

  • A college
  • A school
  • A post-graduate school
  • An institution
  • An institute
  • A higher-education institution
  • A polytechnic
  • An academy
  • A varsity

As you can see in the list above, the indefinite article used before words that start with a consonant is a, while the article you use before words starting with a vowel receive the an article.

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'A University'

You do not have to be a speech writer to benefit from learning pronunciation. Pronunciation is a vital part of using the English language, and it can help you remember the correct spelling and usage of a term.

So, here is a pronunciation guide you can reference.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'a university':

ā yü-nuh-ver-suh-tē

As you can see, the pronunciation of 'a university' is pretty complex. So, it is a good idea to learn how to pronounce it before you use it in verbal communication.

Writing Tips: How and When to Use 'A University' or 'An University'

You learned the difference between' a university' and 'an university,' and you should. However, you may still be wondering how to use the term accurately. So, here are some writing tips to help.

  • Use 'a university' when you are talking about an unspecified university.

For example, you could say:

A university in Texas is donating new laptops to high school students from low-income families to help them more efficiently apply for college.

  • Use 'a university' before a term like teacher, student, or mascot. 

As an example, you could say:

A University professor has more leeway with the way they teach their classes. 


Freelance writing projects are an excellent source of income for a university student.


Have you ever seen a university mascot that ridiculous? 

Sample Sentences Using 'A University'

Now, read these sample sentences using 'a university.' They will help you remember whether 'a university' or 'an university' is correct.

A University

  • A university police officer brought him to the station to answer questions from investigators.
  • After you graduate from a university, I will take you on a journey to Africa.
  • We will visit a university this weekend with a few of our friends.
  • A university must make student and teacher safety a top priority.
  • I would love to finish my education at a university, but I don't feel I have enough time right now.
  • To graduate from a university before your 21st birthday, you must work hard and stay focused.
  • I realized that a university education is not the only path to success. However, it can make life easier.

Recap: Is It 'A University' or 'An University'

Before you go, let's quickly recap what you learned about the difference between 'a university' or 'an university':

  • 'A university' is the grammatical term. 
  • 'An university' is incorrect because when you use an article before a word that starts with a consonant or sounds like it starts with a consonant or y, you use instead of an. 

This phrase can be confusing because university starts with u and has a sound. Typically, words that start with use the an article. However, when it makes a consonant sound, the correct article is a.

If you want to learn other English grammar rules, ways to market yourself as a freelance writer, or build an impressive writing portfolio, check out some of the other guides here. And come back frequently to stay current on the writing field and best practices in the industry.

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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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