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‘More Friendly’ or ‘Friendlier’: Which is Correct?

Shaun Connell
June 11, 2024

Are you curious whether 'more friendly' or 'friendlier' is correct? If so, you came to the right place!

Here is the short version in case you are running short on time:

  • 'More friendly' is a comarative clause used to compare two or more people or things. 
  • 'Friendlier' is a comparative adjective that you use to indicate that one person or thing is more friendly than the other. 

The answer above is not the full story, though. Keep reading to learn exactly when and how to use each term grammatically!

Which is Correct, 'More Friendly' or 'Friendlier?'

The truth is, it depends on the context in which you are using the term. You would use ' more friendly ' when comparing two people or things.

You use ' friendlier ' when making a statement directly to or about someone.

However, these phrases have nearly the same meaning. So, it is also important to say the sentence out loud to see which sounds better.

Definition of 'More Friendly': What Does 'More Friendly' Mean?

To learn more about the meaning of this term, we will look at the definitions of 'more' and 'friendly.'

Definition of 'More'

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines 'more' as an adjective that means:

  • Greater
  • Further or additional

'More' can also be an adverb that means:

  • Moreover
  • In addition
  • To a higher or greater extent

When you use 'more' as a noun, it means:

  • A greater amount, quantity, or number
  • Something additional or an additional quantity

'More' can also be a pronoun that means:

  • A greater amount, of people or things

Definition of 'Friendly'

The same source defines 'friendly' as an adjective that means:

  • Befitting or relating to a friend
  • Not hostile
  • Showing goodwill or kind interest
  • Comforting and/or cheerful
  • Serving a helpful purpose
  • Easy to understand or use
  • Designed to be easy for a particular user
  • Unlikely to cause harm
  • Not causing harm

'Friendly' can also be an adverb that means:

  • Amicable or in a friendly manner

'Friendly' can also be a noun that means:

  • A friendly person or someone who is welcoming
  • A match-up between two teams that does not affect their rankings or the score is not recorded

Synonyms of 'Friendly'

  • Warm
  • Gracious
  • Kind
  • NiceDevotted
  • Collegial
  • Chummy
  • Affectionate
  • Hospitable
  • Approachable
  • Familiar
  • Good-natured
  • Jolly
  • Palsy
  • Social
  • Talkative
  • Jovial
  • Devoted
  • Intimate
  • Brotherly
  • Adoring
  • Respectful

Definition of 'Friendlier': What Does 'Friendlier' Mean?

Now, let's look at the definition of 'friendlier,' which the Collins Dictionary defines as a comparative adjective that means:

  • Friendly

The dictionary also defines 'friendlier' as an adjective that means:

  • Having good relations with
  • Having a beneficial or good relationship with another country, person, or thing
  • Enjoying spending time with someone over another

Synonyms of 'Friendlier'

  • More sociable
  • Morēe helpful
  • Closer
  • Preferable
  • Better
  • Relateable

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'More Friendly' or 'Friendlier'

Pronunciation is important whether you are giving speeches or writing content for a client. No matter what your specialty is, learning how to pronounce terms like 'more friendly' or 'friendlier' helps you remember their spelling and how to use them.

Furthermore, using the wrong pronunciation may confuse others. So, here is a quick pronunciation guide you can reference.

mor fren(d)lee

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'friendlier':


Writing Tips: When and How to Use 'More Friendly' or 'Friendlier'

Now that you know the definitions of these terms and how to pronounce them, here are some tips to help you determine when and how to use 'more friendly' or 'friendlier.'

  • Use 'more friendly' if you are telling someone to be 'more friendly.'

For example, you could say:

If you want to make more sales, you need to be more friendly.

  • Use 'friendlier' when you are comparing two or more things that are friendly.

As an example, I might say,

Jake was lazy, but he got a lot of business because he was friendlier than his co-workers. 

  • Use 'friendlier' or 'more friendly' when you are asking someone to be more friendly.

So, you can say:

You need to be friendlier than you were yesterday because two people have already called and asked to speak to a manager about your attitude.


Please try to be more friendly, especially when you are talking to older people. You should always show them respect. 

  • Pay attention to the way the sentence sounds to determine which term sounds better.

For example:

My old team was more friendly than my new team.


My old team was friendlier than my new team.

Sample Sentences Using 'More Friendly' or 'Friendlier'

You are almost done with this lesson. Before you leave, read the sentence samples below to ensure you know how to use each term in different contexts.

More Friendly

  • I wrote a low-content book titled, Dogs Are More Friendly Than Cats, Which Makes Them Better Companions.
  • How can I be more friendly to my friends, family, and co-workers?
  • Janice is not as pretty as Stephanie, but she is more friendly.
  • Some countries are more friendly than others.


  • Every time we hang out, Angela is friendlier than you.
  • I visited my writing teacher the other day; she was friendlier than I was in high school.
  • The friendlier you are, the nicer people will treat you.
  • Have you seen Jane lately? I saw her this morning. She was friendlier than I remembered.

Final Review: Which is Correct, 'More Friendly' or 'Friendlier'

Wow! We covered a ton of information in this post. Here is a quick recap of what you learned:

  • 'More friendly' is a comparitive clause you use to associate two or more people or things.
  • 'Friendlier' is a comparitive adjective that you use similarly to 'more friendly.'

After reading this entire post, you should remember which terms to use. However, dozens of similar articles are here if you need help verifying other terms.

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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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