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‘Log In To’ or ‘Log Into’ or ‘Login To’: Which is Correct?

Shaun Connell
March 21, 2024

If you are confused about whether 'log in to' or 'log into' or 'login to' is correct, you are not alone. I can help, though.

Here is a brief overview in case you need a quick answer: 

  • 'Log in to' is the correct choice if you are saying 'log in to read your emails' or a similar phrase. 
  • 'Log into' is correct if you are telling someone to access a game, system, or account. 
  • 'Login to' login is a noun or adjective, so this term is only correct if you are using login as a place or to describe something like a login screen.

Learn more about how to use these terms grammatically in this guide with examples, definitions, and writing tips.

Which is Correct, 'Log In To' or 'Log Into' or 'Login To?'

There is a lot of confusion about which of the terms above is correct. However, when 'log in to' is used in a sentence, it is usually a verbal phrase, for example:

  • Log in to see the balance in your checking account.

In those cases, log in needs to be two separate words.

  • Many people use 'log into' when they are talking about someone logging in to something like a game, system, or account. However, the term is incorrect in this context.

The phrase is only correct if you are talking about putting a log into something else.

Login is a noun or adjective, for example:

  • You will find the login on the front page.


  •  Navigate to the login screen to create a new account.

So, you should only use the phrase if you are using login as a noun, for example:

  • After you locate the login to access your account, please call us back so we can reset your password.

Writing Tips: How to Use 'Log In To,' 'Log Into,' or 'Login To?'

These phrases can all be used if you use them in the correct context. Here are some writing tips to help you use each correctly.

  • Use 'log in to' to tell someone to enter credentials to access their account.

For example, you could say:

After you log in to your account, click on the 'My Account' tab.

  • Use 'log into' to tell someone to put a log into something else.

So, I might say:

Put the log into the wood chipper. 


Please put the completed log into the box on my desk. 

  • Use 'login to' to tell someone to navigate to a login to do something.

As an example, you could say:

You have to go to the login to access your account.

  • Use 'log in to' when you are instructing someone to log in to an account to perform an action.

For example, I might say:

When you log in to fill out the survey, make sure you have a pen and paper because there is a code you need to write down to access your account in the future.

Definition of 'Log In To': What Does 'Log In To' Mean?

To gain a better understanding of the meaning of 'log in to,' it is important to break down the definitions of the words in the phrase.

Definition of 'Log In'

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, log in is a less common variant of the verb log on, which is defined as:

  • To establish a connection or initiate access to a system or computer

Definition of 'To'

The same source defines to as a preposition that is used:

  • As a function word to indicate movement toward a place, object, or person
  • As a function word that indicates direction
  • As a function word to show the result of a process or action

Definition of 'Log Into': What Does 'Log Into' Mean?

The phrase 'log into' contains log which is a noun or verb and into which is a preposition. So, let's take a look at the definitions of those words.

Definition of 'Log'

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines log as a noun that means:

  • A chunky piece of lumber from a fallen or cut tree
  • An apparatus used to measure the rate of a vessel's motion through the water
  • The flight log of an aircraft
  • A record of transactions, events, performance, or day-to-day activities

Log can also be a verb that means:

  • To cut down trees for use as lumber
  • To clear trees off a property
  • To record or make a note of
  • To attain a specific speed or move a specified distance while following a log
  • To achieve or earn credit for something

Definition of 'Into'

Into is a preposition defined as:

  • A function word used to indicate introduction, entry, superposition, inclusion, or insertion
  • In the direction of
  • Against or in a position of contact
  • To the form, condition, state, occupation, possession, or action of
  • Interested in or involved with
  • Used as a function word to indicate a period of time

Definition of 'Login To': What Does 'Login To' Mean?

In the final term, 'login to,' login is a noun, and to is a preposition. We already looked at the definition of to. So, take a look at the definition of login.

Definition of 'Login'

According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, login is a noun that means:

  • Credentials that allow someone to access a digital account or system
  • The act of initiating access to a computer system or online account
  • The name you use to access online accounts or systems

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'Log In To' vs. 'Log Into' vs. 'Login To'

When it comes to pronunciation, these terms are very similar. So, here is a guide you can reference.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'log in to':

log-in tü

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'log into':

log intü

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'login to':

login tü

Sample Sentences Using 'Log In To' or 'Log Into' or 'Login To'

Now, read these sample sentences using the

Log In To

  • When you log in to complete the tasks, be sure to enter all of the details for each transaction.
  • When you log in to enter detailed notes, as soon as you have new information, anyone who accesses the system can find out what is going on with the file, and your team can provide better customer service.
  • Never let someone else log in to perform banking transactions on your behalf.
  • Log in to enter the information for each contact associated with an account.

Log Into

  • After he put the log into the inbox, he felt a sense of relief.
  • Good morning! After you collect the data, you need to put the log into the manilla folder marker 'Confidential.'
  • If you are afraid to confront him, slip the log into his office while he is at lunch and leave a note that says, 'Please complete the mileage reimbursement log for your team and submit it before 4 pm.'
  • Can you turn the data log into an interesting essay?

Login To

  • Go to the login to access your new website.
  • We changed our login to add recognizable branding.
  • If the login to your bank account isn't working, you need to call customer service.
  • After the summer break, you will need to go to the login to obtain new credentials.

Log In To/Log Into/Login To

  • To see relevant information like the client's company, contacts, orders, and more, navigate to the login to log in to your account.
  • From the login screen, you can sign up for an account or log in to your existing account.

Recap: 'Log In To' or 'Log Into' or 'Login To'

Finally, here is a recap of what you learned about whether 'log in to' or 'log into' or 'login to' is correct: 

  • 'Log in to' is the correct phrase if you are referring to the action of someone logging in to an account or computer system.
  • 'Log into' is only appropriate if you are referring to a log being put into something else.
  • 'Login to' is only correct if you are using login as a noun or adjective.

Even after learning definitions and how to use terms like these grammatically, they can cause confusion. So, if you ever find yourself wondering which of these is correct, you can always return to this page for a quick review of this lesson.

If you want to learn more about freelance writing or improve your writing skills, check out a few of my other guides before you go.

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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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