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‘An Honest’ or ‘A Honest’: How to Spell it Correctly?

Shaun Connell
December 31, 2024

If you need to know whether 'an honest' or 'a honest' is the correct spelling, you are in luck!

Here is a quick overview in case you are in a rush: 

  • 'An honest' is correct, because honest sounds like it starts with an o. 
  • 'A honest' is a grammatical error, because when a word starts with a vowel sound, you use the an article. 

While the short answer above tells you which version to use, there is much more to learn. Reading this entire guide will teach you a valuable lesson that you can apply to other terms.

How Do You Spell It Correctly, 'An Honest' or 'A Honest?'

When it comes to spelling, only one of these terms is grammatically correct. 'An honest' is the right phrase, because honest starts with the on sound.

Any time a term sounds like it starts with a consonant, you use a, for example:

  • A mother
  • A hero
  • A handyman
  • A horrible accident
  • A hockey concept
  • A hanglider
  • A handheld device

If the term following the article sounds like a vowel, you use an, for example:

  • An onslaught 
  • An honorable judge
  • An hour ago
  • An anteater
  • An executive assistant
  • An honest day's work

Definition of 'An Honest': What Does 'An Honest' Mean?

When you are learning about phrases, it is beneficial to look at the definitions of each word the phrase contains. Therefore, we are going to look at the definitions of an and honest.

Definition of 'An'

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 'an' is an indefinite article defined as:

  • A function word used before a singular noun with an unspecified referent
  • A function word used before some numbers and number collectives
  • Alike or the same
  • A function word you use before a singular noun followed by a restrictive modifier
  • Any
  • A function word used in front of a mass noun when it denotes a specific instance or a particular type
  • A function word you use before a proper noun that distinguishes the condition of the referent as something other than a hypothetical, former, or usual condition or state
  • Used before the proper name of a day of the week as a function word to refer to one instance of it
  • Used as a function word before the proper name of a person when the name refers to a creation by that person
  • A function word used with nouns to form adverbial phrases of amount, quantity, or degree

Definition of 'Honest'

The same defines 'honest' as an adjective that means:

  • Truthful, legitimate, or free from deception or fraud
  • Real or genuine
  • Plain or humble
  • Respectable or reputable
  • Worthy or good
  • Worthy of praise
  • Characterized by integrity
  • Frank or marked by forthright, free, or honest expression
  • Innocent, simple, direct, and uncomplicated

'Honest' can also be an adverb defined as:

  • Honestly or in a genuine or honest manner
  • With all sincerity

Synonyms and Similar Words to 'Honest'

  • Sincere
  • Truthful
  • Genuine
  • Conscientious
  • Reliable
  • True
  • Moral
  • Credible
  • Earnest
  • Open
  • Trustworthy
  • Simple

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'An Honest'

Pronunciation is always a key component of accurately using language to convey verbal messages. However, even if you aren't a speechwriter, you can benefit from knowing how to accurately pronounce terms.

For example, knowing how to pronounce a term like honest can help you determine which article to use before the word.

So, here is a quick pronunciation guide you can reference.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'an honest':

en ä-nust

As you can see, despite the word starting with an h it sounds like it starts with an a, which is why you use the an article.

Writing Tips: How and When to Use 'An Honest'

You learned that between 'an honest' or 'a honest' only the first option is grammatically correct. Now, take a look at these writing tips to help you determine how ad when to use the term.

  • Use 'an honest' when you are describing something as being straightforward or simple.

For example, I might say:

We don't want to read the entire manual. We just want an honest description of how the product works. 

  • Use 'an honest' in the phrase 'an honest day's work.'

As an example, you might hear someone say:

There is nothing more satisfying than getting paid after an honest day's work.

  • Use 'an honest' to say that something is true or non-fictional.

So, you can say something like:

The study will be more accurate if you give an honest response to each question. 

Sample Sentences Using 'An Honest'

Next, read each of the sample sentences below. They will help you learn and remember additional ways to use the phrase.

An Honest

  • If I ask you a question, will you promise to give me an honest response? I won't get upset, but I need to know the truth.
  • After the writer submitted an honest review of the product, he was asked to write one that was more favorable to the client.
  • Do you have an honest suggestion for our grandfather's ninetieth birthday celebration?
  • Have you tried getting an honest response from her?
  • The organization is making an honest effort to save the sea turtles from extinction.
  • The writing prompt this week was, 'If I was being an honest person, I would tell you...'
  • The students were scared to tell the truth when the teacher asked for an honest opinion of this week's lessons.

Review: Is 'An Honest' or 'A Honest' Spelled Correctly?

Finally, review what you learned about the difference between 'an honest' vs. 'a honest': 

  • 'An honest' is the correct spelling. 
  • 'A honest' is a grammatical error, because when a term sounds like it starts with a vowel, you use the an article. 

If you ever have trouble with terms like these, you can always come back to this page to quickly verify which version is correct. You can also learn about many other grammar rules, ways to improve your writing pitches, and how to build a lucrative portfolio of clients in the dozens of educational posts you will find here.

So, if you are serious about starting a job as a contract writer or improving your existing writing career be sure to check out a few of my other guides and come back often for fresh content.

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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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