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‘Colum’ or ‘Column’: How to Spell it Correctly?

Shaun Connell
September 10, 2024

If you are unsure whether the correct spelling is 'colum' or 'column,' this post will help.

Here is a short answer in case you are in a hurry:  

  • 'Colum' is always a misspelling you should avoid using. 
  • 'Column' is the correct spelling of the English noun for a pillar or vertical written in a publication. 

While the answer above tells you the correct spelling, there is a lot more to learn about how to use the term. So, keep reading!

Is the Correct Spelling 'Colum' or 'Column?'

Some terms differ in spelling depending on where you live. However, when it comes to 'column' there is only one correct spelling.

'Colum' is always a misspelling no matter where the audience you are writing for lives. So, the correct spelling is always 'column.'

Definition of 'Column': What Does 'Column' Mean?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines 'column' as a noun that means:

  • A vertically arranged piece of writing
  • One of a group of two or more vertical arrangements of writing on a printed page separated by a blank space or rule
  • An accumulation of material arranged vertically
  • A regular series of writing in a newspaper or magazine
  • A support pillar
  • A pillar consisting of a capital, shaft, and base
  • Something like a pillar in shape, form, position, or function
  • A cylinder or tube with a chromatographic separation
  • A long row of troops or soldiers
  • A statistical grouping or category

Synonyms of 'Column'

Synonyms are words you can use interchangeably. Knowing the synonyms of words is helpful as a writer because you can use them to keep your piece from sounding repetitive.

So, here is a list of synonyms for 'column':

  • Pillar
  • Row
  • Queue
  • Cue
  • Line
  • String
  • File
  • Range
  • Sequence
  • Train
  • Rank
  • Chain
  • Array
  • Progression
  • Succession
  • Tier
  • Echelon
  • Support

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'Column'

When it comes to words like 'column' that have a spelling that differs from their pronunciation, learning how to correctly pronounce them is vital.

So, here is a pronunciation guide you can follow.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to correctly pronounce 'column':


As you can see from in the phonetic spelling above, the n is silent. There are several other English words that end in mn. When you are pronouncing these words, the n is always silent, for example:

  • Solemn - Sä-lum
  • Autumn - Au-tum
  • Damn - Dam
  • Hymn - Hem
  • Condemn - Kom-dem

Writing Tips: When and How to Use 'Column'

Now that you know the correct spelling of 'column' here are some writing tips to help you determine when and how to use the term grammatically.

  • Use 'column' for a supportive pillar.

For example, you could say:

I have always wanted a house with beautiful white columns on the front porch. 

  • Use 'column' to describe a regular piece published by a single author in a newspaper, magazine, or online publication.

So, I might say something like:

The column writer wrote articles for two prominent newspapers and a magazine.

  • Use 'column' to describe a stack of materials.

As an example, you might hear someone say:

The hoarder had columns of paper all over her house.

  • Use 'column' for a vertical arrangement of two or more pieces of writing separated by a line or space.

For example, I might say:

Please arrange the newsletter in three columns because it is easier to read.

Sample Sentences Using 'Column'

Now that you have learned that 'column' is the correct spelling read these sample sentences. They should help you commit the spelling to memory and learn additional ways to use the term.


  • If the column falls, the structural integrity of the building will be at risk.
  • As a novice freelance writer, writing a column for a local newspaper is a dream come true.
  • Please arrange the shipments in columns so they are easier to manage.
  • The columns were not big enough to support the weight of more than ninety people dancing on the second floor.
  • On the 31st of December, I will write my final column for the magazine.
  • It took me days to file the columns of paperwork stacked on my desk.
  • The readers were invited to submit questions to the column writer.
  • I must check with the architect to ensure the existing columns are strong enough to support the addition of the second floor.
  • After rearranging the information in columns, it was easier for the students to comprehend it.
  • Will you add more columns, or do you think the existing pillars will be enough?
  • How often are you supposed to write a column? Be sure to add the deadlines for each to your content calendar.
  • We will not continue building the columns unless you pay us for the ones we have already completed.
  • The column of troops marched toward their enemy with incredible speed.
  • The marching band teacher arranged the band members in three columns.
  • The teacher instructed us to arrange our reports in two or more columns.
  • A column of students filed into the school minutes before the tardy bell rang.
  • Please subscribe to receive my columns by email each week.

Recap: Is the Correct Spelling 'Colum' or 'Column?'

We went over a lot of information in this post. So, here is a quick recap of what you learned about whether 'colum' or 'column' is the correct spelling: 

  • 'Colum' is always a misspelling that you should avoid using. 
  • 'Column' is the correct spelling of the English noun for a support pillar or arrangement of written pieces. 
  • 'Column' can also be a term for a line of people or soldiers or a stack of items resembling a 'column.'
  • No matter which of these definitions you are using, 'column' is always the correct spelling. 

I hope that after reading my post, you will remember how to spell 'column.' However, if you ever get confused, you can always return to this page for a quick review of this lesson.

You can also learn about dozens of other terms here. Plus, this site has numerous guides to help you start or enhance your freelance or contract writing career.

So, read a few more before you go, and come back often to stay up-to-date on the latest industry best practices and trends.


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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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