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‘Dying’ or ‘Dieing’: Which is Correct?

Shaun Connell
July 11, 2023

Do you need to know whether 'dying' or 'dieing' is correct? This post will help!

Here is a quick answer: 

  • 'Dying' is the correct spelling of the adjective and present participle form of the verb die. 
  • 'Dieing' is a frequent spelling error and not an English word.

The answer above will get you by, but this post explains why 'dying' is correct. And you can apply what you learn to create the proper present-tense form of other verbs.

So, I hope you stick around.

Which is Correct, 'Dying' or 'Dieing?'

The grammatically correct version of the adjective and present participle form of the verb die is 'dying.' 'Dieing' is not a word but a common misspelling.

  • Unlike some English words that have several spelling variations for the same word, the former term is always correct, and the latter is not.

So, you should never use 'dieing.'

Why is 'Dying' Correct?

When you are creating a present participle of a verb, you always add -ing to the end of the word if it ends in a consonant or y, for example:

  • Sift is sifting
  • Cry is crying
  • Try is trying
  • Smack is smacking

If the root word ends in -ie,  you change the ie, to y and then add the -ing suffix.

For example:

  • Lie is lying
  • Tie is tying
  • Die is dying

How to Use 'Dying'

You know that 'dying' is the present participle form of the verb die. So, let's look at how you use it.

  • Use 'dying' to show that someone is actively in the process of death.

For example, you may hear a hospice nurse say:

The patient is comfortable, but he has stopped eating, and he is dying. The time it takes to go through the process differs depending on the person and if people around them are struggling to let go. 

  • Use 'dying' when you are describing the process of someone's death.

For example, you could say:

We knew she was dying, but she seemed so content that it was hard to comprehend fully.

Definition of 'Dying': What Does 'Dying' Mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of 'dying' is an adjective that means:

  • Moving toward death

It can also mean:

  • Gradually ceasing to exist
  • Reaching an advanced state of decay or social decline
  • Relating to someone's time of death

It can also be a verb meaning:

  • The active state of perishing

Synonyms of 'Dying'

As a freelance writer or blogger, it is essential to know alternative words to use when writing a lengthy article or blog post. Using synonyms prevents your work from being repetitive and helps to keep your audience interested in what you have to say.

So, here is a list of synonyms you can use interchangeably with 'dying':

  • Succumbing
  • Going
  • Falling
  • Ending
  • Failing
  • Going
  • Departing
  • Exiting
  • Parting
  • Croaking
  • Deceasing
  • Perishing
  • Decaying
  • Fading
  • Withering
  • Warning
  • Shriveling
  • Wilting
  • Deteriorating
  • Degenerating
  • Degrading
  • Declining
  • Demising
  • Kicking the bucket
  • Stepping off
  • Passing on

'Dying' Phrases and Terms

  • Dying to go
  • Dying wish
  • Dying breath
  • Dying declaration
  • Dying of boredom
  • Dying to live
  • Fear of dying
  • Dying inside
  • Dying slowly
  • Accept dying
  • Dying alone
  • Dying surrounded by friends and family
  • Dying in your sleep
  • Dying too soon
  • Dying before your time
  • Dying too young

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'Dying'

Next, we will look at the pronunciation of 'dying.' Learning how to correctly say words is an essential skill for writers because it helps them to remember the differences between terms, their spelling, and even their meanings.

So, here is a pronunciation guide for you to follow.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'dying':

dai-uhng or dai-ing

Sample Sentences Using 'Dying'

Here are some example sentences using 'dying.' Reading them will help you see how to use the term in different contexts.

  • No one knew she was dying from cancer, but she shared her entire story on her anonymous blog.
  • She lived life to the fullest, even when she was dying. She wrote a best-selling book during the six months between her diagnosis and death.
  • At first, she considered hiring a ghostwriter because the thought of dying before her story was written was unbearable.
  • What would you do if you knew you were dying?
  • Ultimately, she decided to finish writing the book and then have a professional book editor help polish it. Dying would have to wait!
  • Hospice nurses have unique viewpoints on death because they experience so many dying people.
  • The case study showed that dying people often start seeing their loved ones. So, nurses often use that to indicate that the patient is near death.
  • Several self-published books on Amazon are written by hospice nurses who share what they have experienced with their dying patients.
  • It takes a special person to spend every day caring for dying people, especially when they are children.
  • Some people believe that dying is a transformation into a different type of existence.
  • The thought of her beloved husband dying was a nightmare, but she believed she would see him again, and she had to stay strong for the rest of their family.
  • Many people say the best way to live a fulfilling life is to live every day like you are dying.

Recapping Whether 'Dying' or 'Dieing' is Correct

We covered a lot of information in this post. So, here is a quick review of what you learned: 

  • 'Dying' is an adjective and present participle form of the verb 'die.'
  • 'Dying' means that something is approaching death.
  • 'Dieing' is a spelling error, and there are no grammatically correct uses of 'dieing.'

Even experienced writers need a reminder of the correct spelling of words like 'dying,' 'tying,' and 'lying.' So, if you find yourself asking whether 'dying' or 'dieing' is correct in the future, you can always come back to this page for a quick review of this lesson.

You can also read the other posts here for tips on landing high-paying writing jobs, what skills you should spend your time developing, and other industry-related topics. They are an excellent way to improve your marketability as a writer and stay up-to-date on what your clients are looking for when they are hiring.

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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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