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Is It ‘Of Course’ or ‘Ofcourse’?

Shaun Connell
September 4, 2023

Are you looking for an explanation of whether 'of course' or 'ofcourse' is correct? You are in luck!

Here is the short answer: 

  • 'Of course' is the correct way to spell the popular saying that means surely, naturally, or usually. 
  • 'Ofcourse' is a grammatical error in which of and course are combined into a single word. 

Learn more about why 'of course' is correct in this guide with definitions, grammar tips, and examples.

Which is Correct, 'Of Course' or 'Ofcourse?'

When it comes to whether 'of course' or 'ofcourse' is correct, the answer is simple, 'of course' is two words. You should never combine them.

There are some similar terms, like therefore and however, that are combined into one word. So, it is understandable that people would think that you combine of and course, but you do not.

Definition of 'Of Course': What Does 'Of Course' Mean?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary does not give a specific definition of 'of course,' so we will look at the definitions of, of, and course.

Definition of Of

Of is a preposition defined as:

  • A function word you use to indicate a point of reckoning

It can also mean:

  • A function word used to indicate a derivation or origin
  • Used as a function word to show motive, cause, or reason
  • On the part of
  • A function word indicating apposition
  • By
  • Occurring in
  • A function word used to indicate a component's material, elements, content, material, or element
  • About or relating to
  • A function word used to indicate an example showing that something belongs to the preceding noun
  • A function word used to denote a position
  • In respect to
  • A function word to show a possessive quality or belonging
  • Used as a function word to show a relationship to a result determined by a function or operation and a basic entity
  • A function word to show something from which something or someone is delivered
  • With respect to something that causes someone to be destitute
  • A function word used to show the application of a verb
  • A function word used to indicate the possession of a particular quality or trait
  • Used as a function word to show the position of an occurrence or action

It can also be a verb that means:

  • Have
  • Used in place of the 've contraction

Definition of Course

The same dictionary defines the noun course as:

  • The action of moving on a path from one place to another

It can also mean:

  • A track something moves on
  • The direction that something like a train, car, boat, or airplane travels in
  • An accustomed procedure or process
  • A watercourse
  • A golf course
  • A path that someone travels on to complete a game or race
  • A way of conducting one's self
  • A portion of a meal
  • A layer
  • The bottom sail on a square mast

It can also be a verb that means:

  • To follow closely
  • To pursue or hunt someone or something
  • To make dogs follow or run after the game
  • To run or move quickly over terrain
  • Traverse
  • Run quickly on an indicated path

Synonyms and Similar Terms to 'Of Course'

While the Merriam-Webster Dictionary does not give a specific definition for the prepositional phrase 'of course' it does list synonyms like:

  • Usually
  • Normally
  • Typically
  • As a rule
  • Generally
  • Commonly
  • Routinely
  • Conventionally
  • Regularly
  • Customarily
  • On the whole
  • Traditionally
  • Classicly
  • Habitually

Pronunciation: How to Pronounce 'Of Course'

Next, let's look at how you pronounce 'of course.' Learning the pronunciation of commonly used terms is beneficial whether you are an aspiring writer or an experienced freelancer.

So, here is a pronunciation guide you can follow.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce 'of course':

uhv kors

When and How to Use 'Of Course'

Now that you know how to correctly spell the term and its definition, here are some tips for when and how to use 'of course.'

  • 'Of course' may seem like it is a prepositional phrase because it contains a preposition and a noun. However, 'of course' is an adverbial phrase. So, you use it to describe a verb.

So, you can say:

Of course, you can go to the concert this weekend. 

  • Use 'of course' as a response that means yes.

For example, someone might ask you:

Are you coming to my party? I really want you to be there. 

And, you could respond:

Of course!

  • Use 'of course' to say that something is usual or expected.

As an example, I might say:

We had an excellent Thanksgiving holiday. Of course, we had to do the dishes while the men were watching football. 

Sample Sentences Using 'Of Course'

Before you go, read these sample sentences using 'of course' to be sure that you know how to use the term in different contexts.

Of Course

  • Of course, you should write an outline when you are writing a book.
  • Will you be turning in your assignment on time? Of course I will!
  • Of course, you can come over to our house this evening for dinner, but it might be weird because Jim is going to be there.
  • The mayor addressed homelessness in his speech. Of course, he downplayed the situation like he always does.
  • Of course, you can get a high-paying writing job.
  • Of course, they are going to close the freeway over the weekend because there are fewer people commuting to school and work on Friday and Saturday.
  • We are going to Mexico on vacation at the end of the year. Of course, we will be bringing the children with us, but it should still be a relaxing getaway.
  • Of course, if you want to become a talented freelance writer you have to be dedicated and constantly work on your writing skills.

Review of Which is Correct Between 'Of Course' or 'Ofcourse'

We covered a ton of information in this post. So, here is a quick recap of whether 'of course' or 'ofcourse' is correct: 

  • 'Ofcourse' is a grammatical error that you should never use. 
  • 'Of course' is the correct spelling of the popular English adverbial phrase. 

Terms like 'of course' can be confusing which is why we create posts like this to help you improve your writing skills. But, you can also find posts to help you land high-paying writing jobs, write an amazing bio, or outline a book.

So, take a look at the other guides here before you go, and come back often to stay up-to-date on industry best practices and trends.

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Written By:
Shaun Connell
Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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